Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

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2024 Week 27 - Weekly Notes

Morgan and I are doing Camp NaNoWriMo this month and we were reviewing strange Sci-Fi concepts. This one in particular peaked her interest.

My own interests this time around is to write a story I know a ton about - film history and preservation.

To add to my watchlist is “The Beast”. I love the Sci-Fi concept of living past lives, and this sounds right up my alley. I think I really want to write a Sci-Fi thriller that goes through past lives. I know there have been similar veins in “Everything, Everywhere All At Once” and Matt Haig’s “The Midnight Library”. If you love these kinds of movies and books about alternate realities, let me know. This may be the premise of another short story I would love to write.

Around the blog

I’ve made some updates this week in terms of content and quality of life. This includes all curation posts in one page. Adding the full timestamp on the bottom. Adding the author to all blog posts. And fixed some cover images on some book posts.

Everyone’s favorite topic: AI

Dev Things, Tooling, and Productivity






Tony Zhou and Taylor Ramos are back with a short film called The Second. From the duo who made the YouTube series, “Every Frame a Painting” and a segment of VOIR. Also, they made some excellent segments on FilmStruck (RIP) and some extras on The Criterion Collection.

Movie poster for The Second
Movie poster for The Second

Currently Logging

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .