Craft By Zen

Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar
Unsplash image from Jazmin Quaynor showing a weekly calendar

šŸ“– 4 min read

šŸ”– weeknote

2024 Week 06 - Weekly Notes

Solidifying my Weekly Review Template has been extremely useful. It reminds me whatā€™s important and whatā€™s not, and putting the reasoning as to why I put a task on my weekly review.

I found a YouTube short about this woman who lost her job, and her reaction was to be happy. Like of course itā€™s going to garner views, and she even admits itā€™s not the normal reaction people have to being fired.

ā€œRencontrerā€ is a meeting with the new. Remembrance is the comfort of recognition.
ā€” Esther Perel

Last week, I learned there are three curiosity attractors. Curiosity Attractors are the recurring fascinations that you canā€™t shake, whether active or latent.

  1. Epistemic curiosity refers to your desire to learn about the world and resolve gaps in your understanding

  2. Empathic curiosity relates to your interest in connecting with others, understanding their perspectives and experiences

  3. Diversive curiosity is that fleeting urge you sometimes feel to explore something new just for the sake of novelty, with no clear goal in mind

    Curiosity attractors also often intersect with parts of your identity. We go back to questions that fit with our personal values and worldviews
    ā€” Anne-Laure Le Cunuff

Three models of learning
Three models of learning

Written by Jeremy Wong and published on .